Cleveland State Events Cleveland State: College of Arts & Sciences

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This is the fifth annual Project 400 Conference, titled Setting the Record Straight: Don't Believe the Hype — Hip Hop @ 50. Project 400 began in 2019 as a year-long observation of when the first Africans were brought to the British Colonies in North America in 1619. This two-day conference will further examine the contemporary challenges African Americans face, highlighting the obstacles that have been overcome while identifying those that remain. The conference will examine the contributions, contradictions, and complexities of Hip Hop at it's 50th anniversary as it coalesces with the structural and institutional burdens of misinformation and distortions in America's present-day social and political discourse. 

The hybrid virtual and in-person conference will take place Friday, February 23rd and Saturday, February 24th from 10:00am to 2:30pm. 

Please join the Diversity Institute and member organizations of the Project 400 Collaborative for our fifth annual conference which is part of our ongoing calendar of activities. Participants will gain a unique opportunity to connect to the ongoing conversation about race as the foundation of systemic inequities and ways in which we might address them.

Dr. Ronnie A. Dunn, Executive Director, The Diversity Institute, CSU
Dr. Roland V. Anglin, Dean, Professor and former Dean, Levin College of Public Affairs and Education, CSU
Dr. Tawanda Greer-Medley, Associate Professor of Counseling Psychology, Associate Director, The Diversity Institute, CSU

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